Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's good to be home again....

We've been home from the hospital for a few days now and it's good to be home again. The doctors were really great in Hawaii and we were able to get a diagnosis and a good treatment plan. Now it'll just take some time for the medicine to start working and he'll get his strength back and start to feel better. We're truly blessed and very thankful.


  1. We're glad Max is doing better. Lexie really misses Mika and Max. Happy Girls Day to Mika!!

  2. It is great to see photo's of you all again! Max looks so thin! And Mika looks adorable as always! I hope that Max is feeling better!

  3. Hope you all be good.
    Hsin Hui

  4. It's good to see your photos,and I hope Max will feel better soon.I have heard a Tsunami may hit Okinawa,I hope all of you are fine.

    From Taiwan,Chen family
