Friday, February 26, 2010

Our First Chinese New Year Celebration February 14, 2010

We celebrated our very first Chinese New Year and it was quite an adventure. It was the first time for us to have a WHOLE fish staring at us from the dinner table! I think overall, it was a success and Mika seemed to really enjoy it. She was very happy to eat traditional Chinese foods and we were lucky that our Guide and Translator in Taiwan have become very good friends and they were nice enough to send a few decorations and traditional snacks. The Chinese New Year is determined by the Lunar New Year calendar, and this year it happened to be on Valentines Day.

These are candied snacks from Taiwan


  1. Xin Nian Kuai Le! What a yummy feast you had!! I remember Gina took us to this little restaurant off the beaten path and they served us fish. I thought it was the most delicious thing I ate, until Eric turned the plate around and saw those eyes looking at me. Mika looks adorable in her outfit!

  2. Catherine, I love your pictures of your Chinese New Years, I'm impressed you cooked all that beautiful food. BTW your new dining room is gorgeous. I can't wait to see your house!
