Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Getting ready for Mika's first Halloween

We had fun decorating the house for Mika's very first Halloween!

She wasn't too sure about the Frankenstein on the front door, but she warmed up to him after a few minutes.

Everyday after David comes home from work and takes off his uniform boots, Mika puts her shoes next to his by the front door. It's very cute!

Her Trick or Treat costume is Tinkerbell! That's the first movie we ever watched with her after we brought her home from Taiwan. It has a special place in our hearts.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Max turns 16?!!! Happy Birthday!

We took Max to Okuma to celebrate his 16th birthday. Okuma is located on the northern end of Okinawa is a military resort that's open year round. It's really the only place to go when you need to get away and recharge/relax. The scenery is breathtaking!
It's so hard to believe Max is 16....the years have gone by so fast. We've now got one learning to drive a car and one trying to learn how to drink from a cup!!! It's always interesting at our house these days.