Back in America after living in Japan for five years and trying to adjust......
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Trick or Treat!
Happy Halloween! This was our second Halloween with Mika and she was very excited this time. She enjoyed walking around our neighborhood and was very friendly to everyone. She especially had fun handing out candy to all the Trick or Treaters at our house! She wore a Hula girl costume this year and really liked wearing all the necklaces.
Ready to go!
Mika and Max passing out candy to all the trick or treaters.
She wasn't sure what most of the candy was, but she was happy.
Happy Halloween 2010! At the end of the night, we overheard Mika singing outside and discovered she was actually singing Jingle Bells!! She was a little confused and thought it was a Halloween song. It was very cute.
What a cute little hula girl!